Without a music program, it is impossible to imagine any of the many Viennese Christmas markets – such as the Christmas Dream at the Town Hall, the Christmas Village in Maria Theresa Square, the Starovensky Christmas Market for the Baby Christ on Freyung Street, the Cultural and Christmas Market in Front of Schönbrunn Palace, Art Advent at Karlsplatz and Winter Bazaar on Risenradplatz.
The majestic music on historical instruments performed by the Clemencic Consort ensemble can be heard at pre-Christmas baroque concerts in the impressive Heroic Hall in Lobkowitz Palace (December 15 and 16).
The culmination of the year in the National Opera will be the Christmas concert, in which absolutely everyone will take part – from soloists and troupes of the State Ballet to the orchestra and children’s choir (December 16).

Advent in Musikverein
In the Brahms Hall on December 12, the Vienna Moonlight Symphony Orchestra will perform English classical Christmas music, Handel’s baroque music and Mozart’s bassoon concert.
In the world-famous acoustics of the Golden Hall of Musikverein, on December 14 and 15, the Polish Art Philharmony orchestra will play as part of a Christmas concert the works of Corelli, Chopin and Mozart. Ulrike Biempold and the staff of Philharmonia Schrammeln on December 16 will give the public several hours of pleasure with their program “Von Engerln und Bengerln”. On December 20, the ensemble Lautten Compagney Berlin together with the choir of Arnold Schoenberg will perform the oratorio George Friedrich Handel “Messiah”. On December 22, the Vienna Imperial Philharmonics Orchestra will perform wonderful Christmas melodies by various composers – from Franz Schubert to Leonard Cohen.
Church Concerts
Vienna brass sounds especially solemn on brass instruments. In the Cathedral of St. Stephen, soloists of the Vienna Chamber Orchestra will perform Advent concerts accompanied by a trumpet: for four Advent in the most famous church in Vienna they will play works by Mozart, Bach, Schubert and Haydn (30.11. – 23.12.).
As part of the Trumpets in Concert concert in the Minorite church, along with the works of Handel and Vivaldi, more modern Christmas songs will also be performed, for example, Winter Wonderland or Blue Christmas (December 13, 15 and 19).
In the church of St. Anne, the Baroque pearl of the city center, classical concerts will be held, for example, “The charm of the pipe in Advent” (Fri, Sat, Sun: 30.11. – 23.12.).
In the Maltese Church, works by Bach, Mozart, Handel, and other composers will be performed along with the trumpet and organ within the framework of the Christmas Trumpet program (1. – 30.12.).
Gala concert and much more in Konzerthaus
For the Vienna Konzerthaus, diversity is characteristic – this is reflected in the celebration of Advent. A traditional Christmas in Vienna gala concert will take place here. Opera stars such as Valentina Nafornitse, Angela Denoke, Dmitry Korchak, Adrian Herod and José Feliciano will perform on it, accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra of the Vienna Radio ORF, the Vienna Singing Academy and the Vienna Boys Choir (December 20 and 21).
On December 9, the Concerthouse invites everyone to the performance of the Gerhard Aflenzer ensemble of the Broadway Big Band called “Swinging Christmas” with Andy Lee Lang. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Glenn Miller and Ella Fitzgerald will be performed.
The Bach Christmas Oratorio performed by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Philip Jordan will be performed on December 15, 16 and 17.
As part of their tour, the musical group Die Seer will give a December 22 Christmas concert with calm acoustic numbers.
Source: http://russianvienna.com/avstrijskaya-kultura/4425-muzykalnyj-advent