This article is a continuation of a series of articles on higher education institutions in Austria. Universities of Tyrol – what we will talk about in this article. The first part, dedicated to the universities of Salzburg, can be found here. Tyrol is the third largest region in Austria. The capital of the region is...
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Author: Max Tesl (Max Tesl)
Universities of Austria. Salzburg.
Austria is a popular country for higher education. Tens of thousands of students from all over the world strive to get their education in Austria. This is not surprising – high standards of living, good quality and affordable prices for education, compare to, for example, the USA and Great Britain, attract many people from all...
St.Valentine’s Day in Austria – what do we celebrate and where to go
St.Valentine’s Day in Austria is traditionally celebrated every year, on February 14th. It is believed that the roots of this holiday go back to the times of ancient Rome. Lupercalia (February 13–15) was an archaic rite and festival which was strongly connected to the fertility and childbirth. In Christianity, many Valentines are known, however, this...
Historical parallels
On November 2, 2020, the residents of Vienna and the whole world were terrified by the news of a terrorist attack in the heart of Europe. From the perspective of history, you can draw parallels that have left an imprint on the heart of the Austrian capital. In this article, we would like to talk...
36th Vienna City Marathon 2019
This year, on the 6th and 7th of April, the traditional annual Vienna City Marathon will be held. The first such marathon took place back in 1984, when 794 participants competed, last year – this figure exceeded 39,000 runners from more than 120 countries of the world. At present Marathon has become an important social...